Thursday, December 2, 2010

We have a travel date!!!!!

God is so good! He has given us the best gift possible for Christmas. Our SDA date is December 21 at 11:00 am! We are so blessed!


  1. SO EXCITIED FOR YOU!!!! Can't wait for you to have Grady in your arms. Looks like Christmas in EE for you:-) What a gift to recieve!

  2. YAY for you!!! Congratulations!


  3. I've been stalking your blog for days now waiting for an update! Yay!! Another step closer to your beautiful son!!

  4. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog since I received the email from your mom. I am so excited for you. I hope you are able to enjoy Europe just a little bit! God bless and you are in my prayers!

  5. Yay! Make sure you find out the holiday closure dates for the SDA, the US Embassy and other government offices.
